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The Hidden Health Benefits of Organic Spices and Herbs

The Hidden Health Benefits of Organic Spices and Herbs

Many spices and herbs are used as natural treatments for various illnesses.  People all over the world have believed for decades about the healing ability of spices and herbs. Thanks to their potent plant constituent’s concentration, many spices and herbs help fight against diseases. There are a lot of organic spices and herbs brands available online. Spicy Organic and Simply Organic are the best organic brand that sells the best spices and herbs online. However, most people were unaware of their health benefits. Here are the health benefits of some herbs and spices.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is known as golden spices.  This is a strong antioxidant due to its high concentrations of curcumin. Curcumin can help to resolve a wide variety of health problems, from mild toothaches to chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. curcumin is also good for the treatment of depression. Curcumin also has the potential for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease as well as colon, breast, and prostate cancers.

2. Ginger

Ginger is renowned for stomach problems. It is used for morning sickness, motion sickness, and nausea due to surgical or chemotherapy.

Ginger is also loaded with gingerols, inflammatory compounds that are helping to treat some cancers, relieve discomfort from osteoarthritis, and relax muscles.  Injections of ginger extracts helped alleviate knee pain associated with osteoarthritis.

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin that gives the chilies their spicy kick. A small amount of pepper also boosts up your weight loss efforts, particularly when you're not used to spicy stuff.    Capsaicin also increases the metabolic rate that helps to burn a little more calories. It also has a hunger-suppressing effect.

4. Cinnamon

It is recommended to use cinnamon as a sweetener instead of sugar or other sweeteners because most Americans are eating too much sugar, resulting in obesity, diabetes, cardiac problems, and other extreme conditions.  Some studies indicate that cinnamon may help lower blood sugar spikes in diabetics type 2.

6. Peppermint

The minty smell will contribute to lifting the mood and sharpening the fugitive thinking. Some studies indicate that the fragrance can also ease a disturbed stomach. It reduces nausea after surgery.  

Multiple studies have revealed that peppermint oil can relieve bowel pain (IBS). Experts say it works by reducing colon muscles that bloat and relax.

 7. Oregano 

These small leaves are full of many nutrients such as vitamins K and E, calcium, iron, manganese, and fiber. It is rich with antioxidants, oregano.  Antioxidants prevent free radicals from destroying cells, which help prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Furthermore, oregano has plant nutrients to prevent infection.


Herbs and spices have been shown to enhance many health benefits. We  have several way of leveraging these benefits, but I am sure that my blog will encourage you to spice up your home-cooked food.

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